
I was born in Monfalcone, little working class city known for the boatyard where the biggest cruises are built and for the sad record of high number of death for illness caused by asbestos. The most significant part of my education path started in Prima del Teatro: Scuola Europea per l’Arte dell’Attore where I met some great masters of contemporary theatre: Joan Baixas (visual theatre); José Sanchis Sinisterra (dramaturgy); Christian Burgess and many others. In 2006 I premièred abroad in Merma Neverdies, puppets show by Joan Mirò, directed by Joan Baixas and produced by Elsinor-Barcelona exclusively for Tate Modern Gallery in London. In 2007 I participated to Indemoniate, show by Giuliana Musso e Carlo Tolazzi, directed by Massimo Somaglino. In May 2009 I came back to Spain to work in the show Zoé, inocencia criminal, a production of the Compañía Teatre de la Claca di Barcellona, directed by Joan Baixas. In June 2009 I premièred with my first original performance È bello vivere liberi! Progetto di teatro civile per un'attrice, cinque burattini e un pupazzo as author and actress. In 2011, thanks to a scholarship, I took part in ...Think only this of me... original project for actors and musicians from Guildhall School of Music and Drama of Londra, directed by Christian Burgess. In 2012 I realized my second original project La semplicità ingannata. Satira per attrice e pupazze sul lusso d'esser donne. In 2013 I realized for the Gaypride in Vicenza the reading The beat of Freedom and then I perform Glauce in La città ha fondamenta sopra un misfatto, theatral re-writing of Medea by Christa Wolf, written and directed by Giuliana Musso. In 2014 I premièred with Wonder Woman, a reading written and performed with Giuliana Musso and Antonella Questa, starting from the investigative report of Silvia Sacchi and Luisa Pronzato, journalists of Corriere della Sera that explores the theme of the financial feminine independence. In 2015 I premièred with Sorry, boys third original performance of the project on Female resistance. Since 2009 I’m part of the project Fies Factory of Centrale Fies. 


2019 Premio Hystrio - Altre Muse
2018 Premio della Critica - ANCT
2017 Premio Rete Critica
2016 Finalist Premio Ubu as best actress/perfomer
2013 Premio Franco Enriquez
2013 Premio Città Impresa
2012 Premio Last seen for the best show of the year
2012 Honorable mention Premio Eleonora Duse
2011 Finalist Premio Virginia Reiter as best actress under 35
2010 Finalist Premio Ubu as best actress under 30
2009 Premio Scenario per Ustica

Pics by Alessandro Ruzzier


THE ELEGY ON THE FALL Loosely based on the myth of the lost Kingdom of the Fanes

PREMIÈRE 25 26 October 2018 Stagione Teatro Contatto Teatro Palamostre, Udine     INTERNATIONAL PREMIÈRE 15 16 February 2019 São Luiz Teatro Municipal, Lisbona

PREVIEW 2018/19

The season 2018/19 will start with the première of the new production. You can find preview in the tour section to let you sign on your calendar dates next to […]

see all news


20/02/25, 21:00
La semplicità ingannata
Napoli, Italy
21/02/25, 10:30
La semplicità ingannata – matinée per le scuole
Teatro Nuovo
Napoli, Italy
21/02/25, 18:30
La semplicità ingannata
Napoli, Italy
22/02/25, 19:00
La semplicità ingannata
Napoli, Italy
23/02/25, 18:30
La semplicità ingannata
Napoli, Italy
05/03/25 - 07/03/25, 13:00
Nell’ambito delle attività del progetto europeo UNLOCK THE CITY! coordinato dal Piccolo Teatro di Milano Teatro d’Europa
AMU Academy of Performing Arts
Praga, Czech Republic
12/03/25, 21:00
Casalgrande (RE), Italy
14/03/25, 21:00
Monza, Italy
20/03/25, 21:00
La semplicità ingannata
Saluzzo (CN), Italy
21/03/25, 21:00
È bello vivere liberi!
Monastero Bormida (AT), Italy
22/03/25, 21:00
La semplicità ingannata
Piossasco (TO), Italy
24/03/25, 21:00
La semplicità ingannata
Trento, Italy
28/03/25, 20:30
È bello vivere liberi!
Trieste, Italy
29/03/25, 20:30
La semplicità ingannata
Trieste, Italy
08/04/25, 21:00
La semplicità ingannata
Ravenna, Italy
09/04/25, 10:00
La semplicità ingannata – matinée per le scuole
Teatro Rasi
Ravenna, Italy
10/04/25, 21:00
La semplicità ingannata
Teatro Corsini
Barberino di Mugello (FI), Italy
12/04/25, 21:00
The beat of Freedom – La Resistenza a fumetti
Torino, Italy
13/04/25, 19:00
The beat of Freedom – La Resistenza a fumetti
Torino, Italy
27/04/25, 18:00
The beat of Freedom – La Resistenza a fumetti
Calderara di Reno (BO), Italy
09/05/25, 21:00
È bello vivere liberi!
Monza, Italy
22/05/25, 19:00
Aria – Festival di Teatro dell’Università dell’Aquila e dell’Accademia di Belle Arti dell’Aquila
L’Aquila, Italy
19/06/25 - 21/06/25, 20:00
Parigi, France

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